- 研究方向:
- 非晶与高熵合金
- 非晶结构弛豫及内耗
- 先进工程材料
- 非标工业自动化
崔晓,1986年9月出生,博士研究生,山东平邑人,2013年7月毕业于合肥工业大学材料加工工程专业,获工学博士学位。现主要从非晶合金、先进工程材料、非标工业自动化方向研究工作,主持山东省自然科学基金、山东省高校科研计划项目等纵横向项目10余项,发表SCI收录文章30余篇,担任Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Journal of Applied Physics等期刊审稿人,2021年入选泰山学院“泰山学人1958”人才工程-青年才俊。
1.2004.09—2008.06 合肥工业大学 金属材料工程 本科
2.2008.09—2013.07 合肥工业大学 材料加工工程 硕博连读
1.2013.07至今 泰山学院 教师
担任Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Journal of Applied Physics等期刊审稿人。
[1] 山东省自然科学基金,ZR2017BEM017,基于熔体固-液结构相关性探索Zr基非晶合金塑性,经费:9万,2017.08—2019.12,主持。
[2] 山东省高校科研计划项目,J18KA027,基于熔体结构状态探索铁基非晶性能优化工艺,经费:2万,2019.01—2020.12,主持。
[3] 泰安市科技发展计划,2019GX024,基于固液结构遗传性探索Fe基非晶对偶氮染料污水处理性能优化,经费:自筹,2019.12—2021.12,主持。
[4] 泰安市科技发展计划,2015GX2054,塑性导向非晶合金的成分设计及优化,经费:自筹,2015.09—2017.12,主持。
[5] 企业横向项目,2021HX114,多晶硅破碎机结构优化与形象设计,经费:合肥开比锐精机科技有限公司资助,2021.6.30-2023.12.31,主持。
[1] 校级一流课程,高一歌,崔晓,胡静,于金霞,2021—2022
[1] X. Cui*, J. C. Qiao, Y. B. Ma, J. J. Li, X. J. Meng, F. Q. Zu, Effect of natural aging on relaxation behavior and mechanical property of a La-based bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics, 139 (2021) 107365 SCI:1区, IF:4.075.
[2] X. Cui*, J. Guo, J. C. Qiao, et al., Influence of the chemical composition on the β-relaxation and the mechanical behavior of LaCe-based bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 562 (2021) 120779. SCI:1区, IF:4.458.
[3] X. Cui*, J. C. Qiao, J. J. Li, L. Z. Meng, J. Guo, F. Q. Zu, X. F. Zhang, B. C. Bian, Q. D. Zhang, Y. B. Ma, Room temperature activated slow β relaxation and large compressive plasticity in a LaCe-based bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics, 122 (2020) 106793. SCI:1区, IF:3.758.
[4] X. Cui*, X. F. Zhang, J. J. Li, F. Q. Zu, L. Z. Meng, J. Lu, F. Luo, Y. B. Ma, Centimeter-sized CuZrAl bulk metallic glass with good plasticity and chemical heterogeneity, Intermetallics, 121 (2020) 106773.SCI:1区, IF:3.758.
[5] X. Cui*, J. J. Li, J. C. Qiao, J. Guo, F. Q. Zu, X. F. Zhang, X. J. Meng, B. C. Bian, Q. D. Zhang, Relating melting temperature with structure heterogeneity and plasticity of Zr57Cu20Al10Ni8Ag5 bulk metallic glass, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 543 (2020) 120100. SCI:1区, IF:3.531.
[6] Xiao Cui*, Jing Guo, Qi-dong, Zhang, Xiao-jun Meng, Bing-chuan Bian, Ren-gao Zhao, Yu-bai Ma, Fang-qiu Zu, Distinctive Slow β Relaxation and Its Impact on Mechanical Property of LaCe Based Bulk Metallic Glasses, Met. Mater. Int., 2020, 26, 1491. SCI:1区, IF:3.642.
[7] Xiao Cui*, Xian Feng Zhang, Ling Zi Meng, Jing Guo, Yu Bai Ma, Xiao Jun Meng, Bing Chuan Bian, Ren Gao Zhao, Fang-qiu Zu, Analysis of β relaxation using internal friction measurement and mechanical testing for a LaCe-based bulk metallic glass, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 525 (2019) 119670, SCI:1区, IF:2.9.
[8] Xiao Cui*, Qi Dong Zhang, Xiao Yun Li, Fang Qiu Zu, On crystallization behavior and thermal stability of Cu64Zr36 metallic glass by controlling the melt temperature, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 452 (2016) 336-341. SCI:1区, IF:2.124.
[9] Xiao Cui , Qi-dong Zhang, Xiao-yun Li, Fang-qiu Zu, Dependence of GFA and thermal stability of the Cu50Zr50 alloy on temperature-functioned different liquid states, Intermetallics, 73 (2016) 79-85. SCI:1区, IF:3.14.